Wedding Reception Seating Options


There are a few ways to present seating to your guests at your wedding reception. The below options require you to assign your guests to a certain table, so there will need to be some work done to coordinate this.

We recommend grouping your guests with other people they know so they have a great time at your reception (ex: co-workers, schoolmates, etc.). Here are a few of our favorites. 


Seating Chart with Free Seating 

A seating chart can become a work of art on its own at your wedding. This chart either lists guests’ names in alphabetical order followed by their table number, or a list of guests per table. Guests can choose their own seating at their assigned table. 


Escort Cards with Free Seating

Their name says it all - cards that escort you to your seat! With escort cards, you can set them up on a round table and add a floral centerpiece for a beautiful display. They will contain the guest’s name, table number, and sometimes meal selection depending on your lunch/dinner preference. Guests will use these cards to find the table they are seated at and will get to select their own seats. 


Seating Chart with Place Card

This option may require a bit more work but combines two things: a chart and a card. First, the chart will contain an alphabetical list of your guests followed by their table number, or a list per table with guests’ names at each table. When guests head over to their table, they will find a card with their name on it at the seat that you’ve assigned them to. The card with their name on it may also denote their meal selection depending on your reception. 


You really cannot go wrong with any of these options for your big day.
Share with us which option you’ll be going with!